
At ArtLab Dentistry, our goal is to provide exceptional dental care to every patient. Dr. Reshad uses high-quality materials and techniques to give you peace of mind regarding the longevity of your treatment. We stand behind our work and give warranty coverage that spans 5 years from the date that your treatment is complete.

The chart below outlines coverage on all implant/tooth supported veneers, crowns, and bridges competed at ArtLab Dentistry.

Year after Treatment is Complete % of Cost Covered by ArtLab to Replace/Repair

1st Year
2nd Year
3rd Year
4th Year
5th Year

Terms and Conditions

  1. Keep your prescribed professional teeth cleaning appointments*. This allows us to monitor and maintain your dental work.

  2. Have all recommended dental treatments performed by our office, including the treatment of jaw-occlusal dysfunction and use of bruxism (night) guards if recommended.

  3. Warranty only valid for Implant/tooth supported Veneers, Crown and Bridge Treatments.

After completion of treatment, patient will receive a copy of written warranty.

* Patient is responsible for the costs for all hygiene, radiographs, and maintenance check-ups after completion of treatment.

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