When you suffer from dental anxieties and fears, it can make even the most routine visit to the dentist difficult. Many patients who suffer from this debilitating fear, sometimes called dentophobia, will avoid the dentist at all costs, only visiting when the pain is more significant than their fear. Some will even go so far as to endure painful toothaches and dental conditions, causing it to get exponentially worse by refusing treatment.
The good news is there is a revolutionary procedure offered at ArtLab Dentistry to combat these fears called sedation dentistry. Also known as relaxation dentistry, sedation dentistry was created for those who feel anxiety at the thought of seeing a dentist by using safe methods to help you relax while undergoing dental treatment. The best part of all is, unless the treatment calls for general anesthesia, you will be awake and conscious during the treatment, just relaxed with the safe use of mild sedatives.
In addition to overcoming anxiety, sedation dentistry is used when one suffers from toothaches, headaches or TMJ disorders who find anesthesia ineffective or for those who simply want a painless and pleasant experience.
Dr. Mamaly Reshad chose to take his education and expertise in dentistry to a whole new level when he earned his DDS from the King’s College of London and continued his education to earn a masters degree with distinction. He strives to deliver the best to his patients and proved it by then training an additional three years in advanced prosthodontics at the USC School of Dentistry. He brings his extensive knowledge and expertise to all his patients with a gentle, caring hand. He understands that dental work can be frightening and uncomfortable and that is why he has worked hard to deliver quality sedation dentistry.
If you are interested in sedation dentistry, call today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Mamaly Reshad of ArtLab Dentistry. Don’t let fear ruin your dental health. We will help you overcome your anxiety and get beautiful, healthy teeth and the smile of your dreams.
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