Porcelain Veneers – Shahla

Shahla is one of our favorite “before and after” ceramic veneer cases. Ten years ago she came to us with severe wear and discoloration of her teeth. She was not happy with the way her teeth looked. In particular, she was unhappy with the shape, size, color and also the black triangles between her front teeth.

Shahla-before-sliderShahla after slider

She asked whether it would be possible to fix her teeth without too much tooth removal. We were able to reconstruct her teeth with porcelain veneers and without removing any more tooth structure. Her smile is as beautiful today as it was ten years ago.

Dr. Reshad is internationally renowned for his ability to create completely natural-looking smiles instead of the typical “piano key” smiles that most dentists create with veneers. What sets him apart is his extensive training, impeccable attention to detail, and the additional time spent with his patients and understanding the symmetry of their faces and nuances of their smiles.

After Porcelain Veneers Shahla Teeth
Before Porcelain Veneers Shahla Teeth
Shahla after slider
After Full Mouth Veneers
After Shahla Treatment

Ten Years Later

Shahla Ten Years Later Smile
Shahla Ten Years Later

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