Implant Failure – Fernando

Fernando came to us after having major implant failure and experiencing great discomfort with his loose upper dentures. The old implants had caused so much damage that he had little to no remaining bone left for implants in a normal position.

Before Fernando ImplantAfter Fernando Implant Failure

The Solution: All-On-4 Dental Implants

We had to place long implants in his cheeks to give him fixed teeth. This procedure is known as the All-On-Four Dental Implant or also referred to as the All-On-Four Dental Implant.

Fernando’s temporary teeth were fitted in one day, and he received his permanent teeth about six months later after his implants had healed.

Before Fernando Slider
Before Fernando Implant
Before Fernando Uper Jaw

Dr. Reshad treats many patients with implant failures as well as patients who have lost too much bone. He is an expert in revision-type prosthodontics and corrects many advanced problems that occur because of failing dental implants. He also corrects problems caused by implants done incorrectly or by non-specialists.

We gave Fernando back his smile.

Before Fernando All-On-4 Dental Implants
Fernando Dentistry Teeth
After Dentistry Fernando Front Face
Fernando X-Ray
After Fernando Implant Failure
After Dentistry Fernando Side Face

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