Fred came to ArtLab Dentistry with what we call the loss of posterior support, a severely collapsed bite, and unesthetic appearance. He couldn’t chew properly, he had missing and worn-down teeth, and he was embarrassed about his smile. What was even more challenging about his situation was that his bite was so collapsed and his teeth were so worn down, that it had caused his lower jaw to move forward and become locked to the left.
Dr. Reshad was able to manipulate Fred’s jaw, and with some therapeutic aids was able to reposition his jaw into a stable, correct, and comfortable position, which is called “centric relation”. This is something a prosthodontist does to manage jaw positions in the most physiological and healthy and functional position.
Once we knew that Fred could adapt with his now-stabilized jaw in the proper position, and start chewing and functioning in that new position, we were then ready to move forward with his treatment. We placed implants and long-term temporaries and gave him the bite support he needed to support his new teeth.
With the help of dental implants and some traditional dentistry, we were able to treat him, in spite of his advanced breakdown, with a combination of classical dentistry, crown, and bridge work. A one-piece bridge was made for the upper jaw, which was now stabilized, and also a couple of additional implants were placed on the upper right side.
The lower jaw was restored with a combination of teeth and implants, which re-established his bite. Fred can now chew, he can function, he can speak well, and he now has the complete confidence to face the world with his brand-new smile.
“Some time ago I came to Dr. Reshad for rehab for my mouth because I have some awful teeth. He gave me a price and assured me that when he was finished with the work my mouth would look really nice. So I started the process with him and by the end, it is worth it! I had a lot of visits, but my mouth looks so nice, so pretty. My wife is so happy, she tells everybody “he looks so young with his new smile”. I can recommend anyone to come to Dr. Reshad, he does a really good job.”
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