This patient came to our office after being told by her dentist of ten years that all her upper teeth would need to be removed. This was quite a shock to her after all the years of care at this dentist, and she understandably wanted a second opinion.
When we examined her we found that her previous dentist was correct in regards to the condition of her mouth. But unfortunately, they hadn’t diagnosed the progression of her gum disease in time to save her teeth.
The upper bone had become soft and infected, and a lot of the bone had already been lost. The teeth had become splayed and pushed out forward, creating an unsightly appearance and causing a large gap in the front called an anterior open bite. In addition, her sinuses were all pneumatized, which means they had all become very enlarged, making it difficult to place implants in the usual way.
However, with the advanced techniques we use at ArtLab Dentistry, placing implants at an angle, tilting implants at just the right position, we are able to avoid sinus cavities.
Her treatment was All-on-Four dental implants for the upper jaw. All-on-Four dental implants is a full arch of teeth on 4 strategically-placed implants to hold the entire arch.
We gave her implants on the same day of the extractions. We also placed temporaries the same day, which allowed her to function and continue to enjoy life for the duration of treatment.
After six months of healing during the temporary phase, she wanted to help us design her new smile. She, of course, wanted a functional, beautiful smile. She also wanted to improve her appearance with a whiter smile, which would give her a more youthful appearance.
We achieved all of this with the help of our patient’s feedback, and our input, and a beautiful bright white smile was created for her.
She tells us she is enjoying dating again, and traveling, and has an improved quality of life. Her new beautiful smile inspired her to lose some unwanted weight and begin a healthier lifestyle as well. Good prosthodontic care enabled her to improve her quality of life in several areas, not just with her smile — her entire appearance, and general livelihood was also improved.
ArtLab Dentistry has also gained a new friend. We always love to see her when she stops by for her checkups and evaluations.
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