Case Studies

before-800-530Case Study Dental Implant
Case Study Dental Implant

Case Study

Dental Implant

It has been 15 years since this patient presented to Dr. Torbati with a missing right front tooth due to trauma. He also had a provisional composite restoration on the…

mary-before-smile-800-530Mary Case Study Dental Implants
Dental Implants – Mary

Case Study

Dental Implants

Victor was having major problems with his failing implants. He had too much bone damage for implants to be done in a normal position. We developed a treatment plan that included…

All-On-4 Dental Implants – Elizabeth

Case Study

All on 4 Dental Implants

Elizabeth came to Artlab Dentistry after receiving dental implant treatment at one of the largest All-on-4 centers in the country. She came all the way from San Francisco, in tears,…

artlab_dentistry_before_oliver_teethOliver Case Study Dental Implant
Dental Implants – Oliver

Case Study

Dental Implant

Oliver came to ArtLab Dentistry seeking a more permanent solution for his dental problems, which included an uncomfortable denture. After extensive research and many consults that Oliver conducted in his…

Vincent-top-slider-beforeVincent Top Slider After
All-On-Four Dental Implants - Vincent

Case Study

All on 4 Dental Implants

All-On-Four Dental Implants – Vincent Vincent came to ArtLab Dentistry having had a longstanding problem with aging bridges and infections. His condition was such that his body felt fatigued and…

david-before-sliderDavid After Slider

Case Study

All on 4 Dental Implants

David came to ArtLab Dentistry in 2015 in desperate need of a dental rehabilitation. He had conducted a great deal of research and decided that ArtLab Dentistry was where he…

john-smile-beforeJohnj After Slider
Join Our Community 1

Case Study

All on 4 Dental Implants

John came to us having suffered from bad teeth for many years. He was now ready to have them fixed. John had a lot of damage, including missing teeth as…

Luda-before-sliderArtlab Dentistry Luda Teeth
Dental Implants – Luda

Case Study

All on 4 Dental Implants

Luda received zygomatic implants, which are placed in the patient’s cheekbones. This enabled us to give her fixed teeth. We fitted her temporary teeth in one day and installed her…

Before Irene Dental ImplantsIrene After Slider
Dental Implants Irene

Case Study

All on 4 Dental Implants

Irene’s visit was a complicated unique case and took almost a year. She already had implant restorations (All on 4), but they were failing. Her previous dentist had placed four…

Thomas-before-sliderThomas After Slider

Case Study

Dental Implant

Thomas was referred to ArtLab Dentistry by Dr. Jovanovic, a prominent implant and periodontal surgeon. The complexity of his case necessitated a collaboration between our surgical colleague and the prosthodontic team…

victor-before-top-slider-2Victor After Smile Slider
Join Our Community 5

Case Study

All on 4 Dental Implants

Victor was having major problems with his failing implants. He had too much bone damage for implants to be done in a normal position. We developed a treatment plan that included…

Before Fernando SliderFernando Slider After
Implant Failure – Fernando

Case Study

All on 4 Dental Implants

Fernando came to us after having major implant failure and experiencing great discomfort with his loose upper dentures. The old implants had caused so much damage that he had little to…

Ali-before-slider-1Ceramic Chip Technology – Ali

Case Study


Ali wanted to improve his smile which had black triangle spaces between his upper front teeth. This was a result of poorly controlled gum surgery and severe gum disease. We…

Ann-before-sliderAnne After Slider

Case Study

Dental Crown

Anne had black spaces between her front teeth. To give her a beautiful smile we replaced her crowns and were able to close the black spaces after treatment was complete….

Dr-Libbe-before-sliderDr.Libbe Case Study Dental Implants
Join Our Community 3

Case Study

Dental Implant

Dr. Libbe presented to ArtLab Dentistry suffering from a failing removable upper implant prosthesis that had deteriorated over the ten years she had it. She had framework damage and fractures to…

Figure 0After Maria Badly Placed Implants Smile

Case Study

Dental Implant

Maria presented to Dr. Reshad with a severe problem associated with badly placed implants, poorly positioned gum lines, irregular gum margins, infected front teeth, and pain (fig. 0-3). She was…

Mary-before-implants-sliderMary Case Study Dental Implant

Case Study

Dental Implant

Mary traveled all the way from San Diego for treatment at ArtLab Dentistry. She needed restoration work done on her upper jaw. We restored two implants for her and replaced…

Marigor-before-sliderMarigor Case Study Dental Implant
Loose Dentures – Marigor

Case Study

Dental Implant

Marigor presented to ArtLab Dentistry in early 2015. She had complaints regarding her loose dentures and teeth (Figures 1-4). Marigor had lost self-confidence as she was experiencing an embarrassing odor from…

Janice-before-sliderCase Study Full Mouth Reconstruction – Janice
Janice Smile After Treatment

Case Study

Full and Partial Mouth Reconstruction

Janice received a full mouth reconstruction. These photos show the artistic detail that goes into every case to create natural-looking texture (white wax slide) and color (pink painting slide). Combining…

Tooth Reconstruction – MandyMandy Case Study Dental Implant

Case Study

Dental Implant

Tooth Reconstruction – Mandy

Mandy traveled from Arizona to see us after having been in a major motorbike accident. She lost some front teeth, bone and gums on one side of her upper jaw. After…

Jayne-before-sliderCase Study Upper Jaw Reconstruction – Jayne
Upper Jaw Reconstruction – Jayne

Case Study

Full and Partial Mouth Reconstruction

Jayne presented to us with a limited budget and in need of an upper and lower jaw fix. She had been to various places for treatment, including Mexico, but was…

Hanna-before-sliderHanna after slider
Porcelain Veneers – Hanna

Case Study

Porcelain Veneers

Hanna presented to Dr. Reshad with unattractive porcelain veneers. Her recent orthodontic treatment had been a failure and she had been left with large gaps in her smile. Her previous dentist…

Shahla-before-sliderShahla after slider
Porcelain Veneers – Shahla

Case Study

Porcelain Veneers

Shahla is one of our favorite “before and after” ceramic veneer cases. Ten years ago she came to us with severe wear and discoloration of her teeth. She was not…

Sara-before-sliderSara after slider
Implants and Veneers – Sara

Case Study

Dental Implant

Sara received one implant and several upper veneers to give her a natural-looking smile. A very specific protocol must be used in order to make sure that a combination of…

Before Andrea Veneers TeethAndrea After Slider
Porcelain Veneers Front Tooth – Andrea

Case Study

Porcelain Veneers

Andrea had a fall and damaged her left front tooth. After subsequent failed attempts to repair the damage, she came all the way from Barcelona to receive treatment with Dr….

Ninnette-before-sliderCase Study
Receding Gums – Ninnete

Case Study


Ninnete is a perfect example of proper planning, communication, and execution. Her treatment involved a team of specially skilled and experienced specialists led by Dr. Reshad at ArtLab Dentistry. Ninnete’s…

alicia-before-sliderAlicia After Slider
Gum Graft, Implant, and Veneers – Alicia

Case Study

Porcelain Veneers

Alicia presented with failing restorative work as well as receding gums and one failing implant, which was also causing an uneven gumline. We carefully restored her to a healthy situation…

Maxillary Obturator - Dillip

Case Study


Maxillary Obturator – Dillip Our patient Dillip came to ArtLab Dentistry for help with a large defect in his mouth. He had undergone a major maxillectomy, having his right upper…

before-top-sliderPatricia Half Face After

Case Study

All on 4 Dental Implants

Upper Jaw All-On-Four Dental Implants This patient came to our office after being told by her dentist of ten years that all her upper teeth would need to be removed….

Case Study

All on 4 Dental Implants

John presented to ArtLab Dentistry for help with his teeth only six months ago. He had just moved with his young family from Texas to Los Angeles and wanted a fresh start….

Case Study

All on 4 Dental Implants

Ben presented to ArtLab Dentistry having several problems with his teeth, including dry mouth, missing teeth, a collapsed bite, and root decay. Root decay is one of those conditions that can…

Case Study

Dental Implant

Fred came to ArtLab Dentistry with what we call the loss of posterior support, a severely collapsed bite, and unesthetic appearance. He couldn’t chew properly, he had missing and worn-down teeth,…

Case Study

Dental Implant

Michelle came to ArtLab Dentistry wanting to improve her smile. She wanted a complete smile makeover and thought she might need an All-on-4 treatment for both jaws. She didn’t want…

Case Study

Full and Partial Mouth Reconstruction

Gloria came to ArtLab Dentistry after being referred by her surgeon in San Diego. They had already placed her dental implants and were having difficulty finishing her treatment. Gloria was wearing partial dentures…

Case Study

Full and Partial Mouth Reconstruction

Vallean came to us with a complex medical condition where she wasn’t able to undergo any lengthy surgery because that would compromise her medically. Our job was to devise a…

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